2023 AMO Summit || 10/26, NYC

Growth Hacking Publisher Revenue

In 2024 publishers need reliable and diverse sources of earnings to thrive. Flexpress (launched broadly in 2023, like the AMO Summit) growth hacks revenue across ads, affiliate, and organic search traffic as a technology partner for 75+ publishers.

If you’re in NYC the week of October 23, let’s chat about the best ideas to hack publisher revenue growth. We'll be at the AMO Summit in person, along with several of our customers and partners.


Whether you're attending or not, let's book some time to grow your publishing business.

Flexpress: for high-traffic websites

Faces to see

Let's Meet In NYC

Justin and Amy are both attending the AMO Summit, and will be in NYC that week. We want to talk through the most effective strategies for growing revenue (and sure, we can chat AI too.)  

Not able to make it to NYC for the Summit? Still interested in this first-ever conference for publishers from A Media Operator? Curious about growth hacking?

Please email either of us: justin@organic.ly or amy@organic.ly

Justin Demaris-2-1

Justin DeMaris

Engineering Expert

Justin has worked in media and SaaS for more than 12 years. Recently, he's been the trenches growth hacking revenue alongside media companies such as FLYING Media Group, Recurrent Ventures, Top Class Actions, UpBeet Brands, and more. 

Amy Schellenbaum-1-1

Amy Fuchshofen

Journalism Expert

After earning her B.A. in Journalism, Amy copy edited at The New York Times before becoming an architecture writer and, later, a digital editorial leader at Popular Science and Travel + Leisure. In 2019, Forbes listed Amy as one of its "30 Under 30" in Media. 

2023 AMO Summit | Pregame

Linking Into the AMO Agenda

Here's the Summit agenda, with links to the speakers and their companies:

Flying Magazine: A Case Study on the Future of Magazines || Craig Fuller, CEO and Preston Holland, COO

The Next Era of Niche Media || Snigdha Sur, Founder & CEO of The Juggernaut; Anna Palmer, Founder & CEO of Punchbowl

The Ins and Outs of Building Monetizable Communities || Adam Agensky, President & COO of Sylva and Scott Gerber, Co-Founder & CEO of Community.co

SaaSification of Media || Rachel Loeffler, EVP & GM of Politico Professional and Jason Yanowitz, Co-Founder of Blockworks

Skift: A Case Study in B2B Media || Rafat Ali, Founder and CEO of Skift

AI in Media || Mike King, Founder and CEO of iPullRank and CMO of AIPRM

State of Media M&A || Dennis Berman, Managing Director at Lazard, Maureen Sullivan, Partner at TCG, and Chris Ferrell, CEO of Endeavor Business Media

Keynote Speaker
Neil Vogel, CEO of Dotdash Meredith

Big/special shout to Jacob Donnelly, the organizer of the 2023 AMO Summit who somehow found time in his schedule to bring together prominent publishers and the partner businesses that support them. 

Still need tickets? Get them here. Event is Thursday 10/26 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. ET @ The Paley Center For Media.

Food For Thought

5 Revenue Growth Hacks

Looking to the 2023 AMO Summit, here are five growth hacks publishers can use to fuel success heading into 2024.

Growth Hack #1

Consider new syndication partners

Syndication partners like MSN, Flipboard, Google News, Apple News, and SmartNews all have their own publisher agreements. Some do revenue sharing, others send net-new traffic to publishers, some promote newsletter sign-ups, others funnel traffic to affiliate marketing links. Publishers who take the time to establish new content distributors can earn immediate incremental monthly revenue. Yes, these partners all have different tech requirements, but that's where Organic can take the reins.

Growth Hack #2

Promote affiliate links authentically

Growth hacking an affiliate business means making honest recommendations more compelling and profitable—not diluting brand authority with watered-down content. Create content across the full funnel of curiosity, not only for people ready to make a purchase. When they're ready to buy, Organic product cards and tables make it easy for readers to compare products and feel confident making a purchase.

How to grow with syndication
By Caitlin Castelaz
View article
Affiliate software, explained
By Zach Levine
View webinar
Growth Hack #3

Invest in faster site speed

We all know the game peddled by providers focused only on revenue: more ads, more revenue, boom bang. The problem is that more ads often means slower, jumpier pages, poor user experience, and more reader churn. Improve site speed and Google's Core Web Vital scores with lightweight, easy-to-configure ad tech; lazy loading for editorial and advertising content; smaller image files; single-page applications; and more. We've got a lot of ideas to talk about.

Faster site speed = more revenue
By Tom Imboden
View article
Growth Hack #4

Up-level author bio pages for E-E-A-T

One of the easiest and most-often overlooked ways to get more traffic, for free, onto a publisher site: author bio pages. Google has definitively stated (again) that the mantra for more organic traffic is demonstrating higher levels of Experience, Expertise, Authority, and Trust. The author bio page template on your site is one of the lowest hanging fruit here, making sure to acknowledge writers for their experience, as well as category-level credentialing for content audited by true experts in their field. With AI, established author credentialing will only become more important. 

Better author bios, and more
By Caitlin Castelaz
View article
Growth Hack #5

Execute quick, immersive redesigns

A more modern website experience drives longer visits and more returning visitors, which are key to growth hacking publisher revenue. On a modern architecture, a full redesign can be coded in less than 30 days. One of our clients did this and saw audience visit duration and pageviews per session increase by more than 20%. 

Case study: Saveur redesign
With Greg Allen
View video

More about Flexpress

Publishers choose Flexpress for user-friendly SaaS to growth-hack revenue


A delicious approach with an appetizing layout, ingredients, introduction, and step-by-step instructions.
Direct sell with sponsored hubs.
Seasonal hubs containing curated articles bring audience back time after time.
“Flexpress's user-friendly developer infrastructure helped us implement a complete site-design overhaul in under 30 days; we immediately saw our time on site increase by more than 25 percent. Now, we rely on Flexpress's integrated analytics—across SEO, content management, programmatic ads, direct-sold campaigns, and affiliate revenue—to ensure we’re making the smart and data-driven decisions that allow our business to thrive, while providing our readers with the premium culinary content they’ve come to expect from our brand. "
Kat Craddock

Editor-in-Chief & CEO, SAVEUR

“Flexpress helped us modernize and optimize our monetization technology. The results are clear: improved RPM and RPS for our brand, coupled with faster page-load times for our users. We now monitor our advertising KPIs directly from a single account and view these gains in action.”
Adam Morath








Traffic Growth: Organic vs. Previous CMS
Monthly pageviews, first six (6) months using Flexpress

Source: Google Analytics.

Let's chat about growing your earnings

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