Kane Russell

Kane Russell

For 20+ years, Kane has built repeatable and predictable revenue engines for startups that earned investment commitments from firms such as Sequoia Capital, Andreesen-Horowitz, Lux Capital, Uncork Capital, Texas Pacific Group, Vista Equity Partners, and Blackstone. In just the past 24 months, Kane has met personally with hundreds of individual publishers across 20+ media brands to analyze investment in web development & conversion from all perspectives — executive, engineering, and boots-on-the-ground editorial. Kane, a former World Bank Technology Fellow, holds a BA in Philosophy from Dartmouth College, an MBA in Finance & Technology from the University of Michigan Ross School of Business, and serves as Miembro de la Junta Directiva of Los Aliados, an NGO which creates alliances in Ecuador that positively impact indigenous communities, planet earth, and private sector business.

Posts by Kane Russell

What Is Programmatic Advertising: Publisher’s Guide
What Is Programmatic Advertising: Publisher’s Guide

What Is Programmatic Advertising: Publisher’s Guide

Nov 2, 2022 11:58:00 AM 7 min read
How Programmatic Advertising Companies Impact Publisher Revenue
How Programmatic Advertising Companies Impact Publisher Revenue

How Programmatic Advertising Companies Impact Publisher Revenue

Sep 21, 2022 12:00:00 PM 7 min read